How to activate and deactivate the smart browser toolbar

If you want the browser toolbar only to be shown when using its tools and symbols you can activate the function Smart browser toolbar. To do this, you have to call up the window General options. If the function is activated, you won't see the browser toolbar in the opened browser panel. Only when you move the mouse-pointer directly on the upper margin of the browser panel, the toolbar will appear on screen. As soon as you move the mouse-pointer to another part of the screen, the toolbar will be hidden again.

How it works:

1. In the options menu, click on the command General options. The dialogue General options will be called up.
2. Open the register Clients by a mouseclick.
3. In the area Embedded Web Browser, you can activate the option Smart browser toolbar by clicking on the circle before it. A black dot in the circle will indicate that the function is activated now.
4. Verify your entries with OK.

For deactivating the function proceed the same way.

You can find further information under:

Browser toolbar
Dialogue General options
Register Clients (Dialogue General options)